Diferencia entre revisiones de «Translations:Desarrollo de videojuegos/8/en»

Sheroes in Games Wiki
(Página creada con «===Story-telling=== Developing the story and its narrative. Strategies, techniques, tools and resources {{#ask:AnnotationObject::+Area::Story-tellingChapter::~*{{…»)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
Developing the story and its narrative. Strategies, techniques, tools and resources
Developing the story and its narrative. Strategies, techniques, tools and resources
{{#ask:[[AnnotationObject::+]][[Area::Story-telling]][[Chapter::~*Video Game Development*]]  
|? AnnotationObject=Items
|? AnnotationObject=Items

Revisión actual del 22:48 24 feb 2022

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Definición del mensaje (Desarrollo de videojuegos)
Instancia dedicada a la creación de la historia y su narrativa. Estrategias, técnicas, herramientas y recursos.
|? AnnotationObject=Items de Storytelling


Developing the story and its narrative. Strategies, techniques, tools and resources

Use storytelling and transmedia in video games