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Sheroes in Games Wiki
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Se han encontrado 4 traducciones.
Nombre | Texto actual |
h alemán (de) | ==Frauen als Vorbilder== Einblick in die Arbeit von Frauen in der Branche {{#ask:[[AnnotationObject::+]][[Area::Frauen in Vorbildrollen]][[Chapter::~*Die Videospielindustrie*]] |mainlabel=- |? AnnotationObject=Item |format=table }} |
h inglés (en) | ==Key Opinion Women Leaders== Disseminating the work of women who are linked to the industry {{#ask:[[AnnotationObject::+]][[Area::Key Opinion Women Leaders]][[Chapter::~*Video Game Industry*]] |mainlabel=- |? AnnotationObject=Item |format=table }} |
h español (es) | ==Mujeres referentes== Conocer la labor de las mujeres ligadas a la industria {{#ask:[[AnnotationObject::+]][[Area::Mujeres referentes]][[Chapter::~*{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}*]] |mainlabel=- |? AnnotationObject=Item |format=table }} |
h portugués (pt) | ==Mulheres referentes== Conhecer o trabalho das mulheres ligadas à indústria {{#ask:[[AnnotationObject::+]][[Area::Mulheres referentes]][[Chapter::~*Indústria dos videogames*]] |mainlabel=- |? AnnotationObject=Item |format=table }} |