Material Design Interface Guide

Sheroes in Games Wiki
Revisión del 09:18 20 sep 2021 de Rafaella (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «{{ToolkitElementBody |TEtype=Método |TEURL= |TEPlatform=Multiplataforma |intent=Material Design is a visual language that syn…»)
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Material Design is a visual language that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation of technology and science. It is a design system created by Google in order to be able to adapt to multiple devices and platforms. Google's idea is to progressively incorporate this aesthetic and functional coherence system to all its products, including web and mobile applications, in order to create a similar experience on all its platforms. This site works as a guide for creating interfaces for mobile devices and websites by reviewing topics such as color, typography, hierarchy, sound, shapes, etc. as well as reviewing case studies.

Elemento Básico

Dificultad Inicial
Destinatario Docente, Estudiante
Idioma Inglés
Contexto Distancia
Tipo de Recurso herramienta de apoyo a procesos/procedimientos
Rango de Edades Típico 14-17
Tiempo de Aprendizaje 6 horas
Es Pago No
Aborda Lenguaje No Binario No
Aborda Géneros
Aborda Visibilidad LGBTIQ+ No
Aborda Diversidad No
Aborda Estereotipos de Género No
Aborda Identidades No Binarias No
Aborda Identidades Trans No

Material is a design system created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences for Android, iOS, Flutter, and the web.