Black Mold Removal

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During the life of a home, most owners will have to face black mold removal. All buildings are in danger of growing toxic black mold. Black mold thrives in environments that have high and consistent humidity or water damage. Mold needs water and organic nutrients to colonize. Many buildings have perfect habitats to grow mold naturally. Add in water damage from bursting pipes, flooding basements and leaky roofs and homeowners have to be constantly vigilant against toxic black mold colonies.

Toxic black mold is greenish black, and most often colonizes with other strains of mold that can also be toxic. If black mold is wet, it will take on a slimy consistency. The mold spreads by releasing spores, so they may restart the life cycle. Air ducts in buildings become a literal spore highway. Upon the finding of a colony, black mold removal is imperative due to the health complications it causes.

The spores release mycotoxins to kill off healthy cells, and that is what harms the body. The mycotoxins can enter the body through breathing the spore, and absorption of a mycotoxin gas into the skin and intestines. The mycotoxins wreak havoc with the immune system that causes a long list of symptoms that can be misdiagnosed. Examples can be extremely serious conditions such as fibromyalgia, to night sweats, open sores and sinus conditions.

Basements and crawlspaces are not the only place mold colonizes. Wallpaper, particle board and insulation all serve as a dirt buffet for black mold. The naturally moist areas of under-sink cupboards, behind washing machines, plant containers, drip pans and even shower curtains can all be an opportune mold habitat. Mold will even colonize in window frames, tiles, baseboards and carpet.

When water damage occurs it is crucial to continue to monitor areas for colonization. If pipes burst or a house floods, it is in greater danger of having black mold germinating. It can be found under paint and cause it to bubble and bulge out. Moisture collects in between wall space and grows inside drywall and must be replaced. Leaky roofs can cause mold problems in the roof structure and attics.

Before taking on the task of black mold removal, one must take care to gather cleaning supplies and prepare the affected area. During the cleaning process, prevention of inhalation of spores and spreading them to other areas of the house is necessary. Make sure to fix the problem that is causing moisture where the mold is growing. Assess if a professional cleaning service may be better equipped for the black mold removal.

After the complete removal of toxic black mold, homeowner will notice a significant decrease in symptoms. It is possible for homeowners to take on the task of removing black mold, but due to its toxicity it is best to refer to a professional. Black mold is not the only mold that can be toxic, so take immediate steps for any infestations. Especially do not take any chances if infants, elderly or those with an immunodeficiency live in the home.

Eco Pro Restoration
3315 Midfield Rd
Pikesville, MD 21208
(410) 645-0274