Concept art in video games by Riot Games (Video)

Sheroes in Games Wiki
Elemento Básico

Arte y animación, Art and animation

Dificultad Inicial
Destinatario Estudiante, Docente
Idioma Inglés
Subtítulos Español
Contexto Distancia
Tipo de Recurso video
Rango de Edades Típico 14-17
Plataforma Multiplataforma
Es Pago No
Aborda Lenguaje No Binario No
Aborda Géneros No
Aborda Visibilidad LGBTIQ+ No
Aborda Diversidad No
Aborda Estereotipos de Género No
Aborda Identidades No Binarias No
Aborda Identidades Trans No


In this video, Riot Games explains what Concept Art is and what it means in a videogame and how the concept artist works to solve problems, give visual solutions, generate and provide ideas to the artist teams. In addition, they interview different professionals related to Concept Art to clarify their work, how they prepare for the project and interact with the project's artist team.



Capítulo Video Game Development
Area Art and Animation