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Sheroes in Games Wiki

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Lista de todas las páginas que tienen la propiedad "Cite" con valor "Women Jam Brazil". Como hay pocos resultados, también se muestran los valores aproximados.

Abajo se muestran hasta 26 resultados comenzando por el n.º 1.

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Lista de resultados

  • Blog: 20 carreiras para se trabalhar com Games  + (STARTuol. Paulão. Conheça 20 carreiras para trabalhar com Games. Blog do Paulão, 19 de agosto de 2019. Disponível em: <https://blogdopaulao.blogosfera.uol.com.br/2019/08/12/conheca-20-carreiras-para-trabalhar-com-games/>. Acesso em: 09/10/2022.)
  • Science clubs International  + (Science Clubs International (SCI) https://Science Clubs International (SCI) https://www.scienceclubsint.org/</br>Is a growing network of passionate science educators and 8 partner non-profit organizations and a global organization that works to spark a social transformation by expanding access to high-quality STEM education and collaborative networks. </br></br>miniPCR bio™</br>Make tools for scientists and is dedicated to the mission of making science accessible to everyone, everywhere.cience accessible to everyone, everywhere.)
  • Geschlechterdarstellung und sexuelle Vielfalt in Games  + (Stalmach Helena & Zipfe Adrian. (2022). Geschlechterdarstellung und sexuelle Vielfalt in Games. Veröffentlicht auf "Games im Unterricht", einer Plattform, die Lehrkräfte beim sinnvollen Einsatz von Computerspielen im Unterricht unterstützt.)
  • STEM Network Latin America  + (The Red STEM Latinoamérica (STEM Network LThe Red STEM Latinoamérica (STEM Network Latin America)</br>Inititated by Siemens Stiftung is an association of institutions from different sectors – governmental, educational, civil, and private – united by the interest of offering quality STEM education on the continent and giving space to educational innovation.nd giving space to educational innovation.)
  • Video game marketing strategies  + (Video game marketing strategies: 1. Game mVideo game marketing strategies:</br>1. Game marketing on YouTube</br>2. Game marketing through blogging</br>3. App store optimization for games</br>4. Branch out to multiple app stores</br>5. Facebook and Instagram game marketing</br>6. Appear on gaming podcasts</br>7. Game marketing on Reddit</br>8. Game marketing through review websites</br>9. Game influencer marketing</br>10. Your Facebook page for game marketing</br>11. Feel like a game marketing stunt?ting 11. Feel like a game marketing stunt?)
  • Women Game Jam  + (Women Game Jam)
  • Problemas de Representação em Videogames: colonialidade do poder em ação  + (Women Game Jam Brazil)